Introducing Fitness Fighters Program

Featuring Lilly K Fitness Fighter


Fitness Fighters group classes commence at 04.12.2017
every day Monday to Friday 17:00-17:45
3 Hutchinson Street Burleigh Heads 4220
Fight Club Bully Team Gym

For more information follow us in Facebook

Or message 0451500740

Success in any fitness program is an elusive moving target. There are many exercise devotees out there who continuously take aim. However, few consistently achieve a solid hit, when it comes to their fitness goals. Success demands focus, balance, consistency and discipline. It also requires the ability and dedication to continuously overcome obstacles.

However, for many of these athletes, tapering off simply is not in their creed. They have worked too hard to watch their fitness levels slip away. They need an alternative that is both time efficient and effective in improving their fitness levels. It must also be challenging, motivating, provide variety and be convenient. In other words, it must meet the following criteria:

  • Intensity. It must challenge both the aerobic and anaerobic systems.
  • Strength gain. It must improve overall body strength.
  • Injury free. It must provide intensity without battering muscles and joints.
  • Calorie burn. It must help burn off any extra fat to help increase/maintain leanness.
  • Variety. It must be challenging and non-boring.
  • Mental toughness. It must help the athlete or fitness devotee learn to cope with difficult challenges in their primary activity.

Fitness Fighters is a 45 minutes whole body workout that meets the above criteria and more.

It uses the movement patterns used by some of the world’s most finely conditioned athletes – the MMA fighters. It combines them into a fitness program that is safe for the mainstream exercise devotee. In other words, with Fitness Fighters, you train like an MMA fighter in everything but full contact sparring and the technical volume. (If that aspect of fighting is interest for you feel welcome to join our MMA group.)

Fitness Fighters program is definitely challenging. It works most of the human body’s physiological systems. The musculoskeletal system becomes stronger through specialized resistance exercises and MMA specific drills. The cardiorespiratory and vascular systems become more efficient through workouts that are more than 60% anaerobic. The central nervous system is trained to respond faster and more efficiently to punching combination drills.

Intensity is the trademark of a Fitness Fighters workout. As indicated above, it is more than 60% anaerobic. The drills are combined into five, five minute rounds, with one minute recovery periods. You push through your current lactate threshold and improve it during the round, or anaerobic interval, by working at 85-90% of your maximum heart rate. During the one minute rest period, you learn to more efficiently recover your oxygen debt while simultaneously stretching and reviewing proper technique.

Strength gain and fat loss is a natural byproduct of the Fitness Boxing workout. The Fitness Fighters work with weights, specialized MMA equipment and plyometric devices in a manner that maximizes calorie burn to increase lean muscle mass. The Fitness Fighters workout focuses on improving speed, strength, explosiveness and lactate threshold management while simultaneously keeping body fat at minimal levels.

Our Fitness Fighters Program provides variety making it is suitable for man and woman from all ages, looking for safe, fun and effective workout.

Fitness Fighters group classes commence at 04.12.2017

every day Monday to Friday 17:00-17:45
3 Hutchinson Street Burleigh Heads 4220
Fight Club Bully Team Gym

For more information follow us in Facebook

Or message 0451500740


Lilly K is IFBB bikini-fitness champion, graduated biologist, sport massage therapist and former MMA champion.

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