The Fight Is All Podcast #6 The Fight Dietitian Jordan Sullivan

The Fight Dietitian Jordan Sullivan

Jordan is combat athlete himself and has an undergraduate degree in Exercise and Nutrition Science, and a Masters of Dietetic studies. He is working with amateur and professional UFC level athletes. His

The Fight Science Podcast

Is my favorite one, he talks with various scientists involved in the combat sports who break down the problems and methods of weight cutting. It is exciting to see how athletes who now get involved in science bring it now back into the combat sports and raise the game to a completely new level of understanding and performance. Unless you are not super-heavyweight that never have to worry about weight cut, I think this podcast is a must for every combat sport athlete. You can also get in touch with Jordan at:


I greatly enjoy my conversation with Jordan and we will continue working with him in the future to support the athletes for the upcoming 12-13.10.2019 IMMAFA QLD Open with a Weight Cut workshop at the Gold Coast, to help the athletes to safely make weight for the competition. The date is yet to be confirmed but we are looking towards the mid-September so stay tuned and follow the

The The Fight Dietitian Facebook page
IMMAFA – International Mixed Martial Arts Federation of Australia Australia Facebook page

I hope you will enjoy and learn from this episode as much as I did.

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