The Fight Is All Podcast #34 Saveliy Timofeev

Hi and thank you for tuning in to The Fight Is All Podcast. In this episode I talk with the president of Sambo Federation in Australia:
Saveliy Timofeev
Sava as many Russian kids started training in Sambo as early as eight years old.
His parent moved to Kazakhstan where he intensively trains muay thai but an brutal street fight injury puts an early end of his competitive career.
During the turbulent times after the war in Chechnya he moves in Saint Petersburg Russia to study Civil Engineering in the military academy, where he finds himself in a situation to deal with a university gang and grow up to Sambo wrestling educator in the university.
By the influence of his brother he started practicing the rare combat system by the name Real Aikido developed by the Serbian martial artist Ljubomir Vračarević who becomes his mentor.
In order to fulfil the dream of his teacher to have schools at every continent he moves to Australia, where opens his school and his students compete in various grappling tournaments.
Later he establishes contact with the world governing body of Sambo FIAS.
Today is balancing his responsibilities as father in his big family with development of Sambo sport in Australia as head of Australian Sambo Federation.

To follow the development of Sambo in Australia, to train or book a seminar go to:
This was a very good story and I hope you will enjoy this episode as much as I did.

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