The Fight Is All Podcast #33 Renato Subotic

Hi and thank you for tuning in to The Fight Is All Podcast. In this episode I talk with my friend and one of the best mixed martial arts coaches in Australia:

Coach Renato Subotic

Australian IMMAFA National Team Coach

Head Coach in UFC Gym Sydney Australia

Former Italian IMMAF National Team Coach

We had this episode long time in making with the very busy coach Renato, but we finally managed to sit together, while he is staying under quarantine back from USA cornering his student Janay Harding for her win in Belator 251.

We had extensive talk and touched many subjects from leglocks and G&P in MMA to the importance of mastery and prioritizing your trainings.

Renato coaches in UFC Gym Sydney Australia and is always open for advice to any young or advanced fighter. Get in touch with him at:

I hope you will enjoy this episode as much as I did.

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