The Fight Is All Podcast #30 Patrick Holmes

Hi and thank you for tuning in to The Fight Is All Podcast. In this episode I talk with a friend of mine, traveler, adventurer and fighter:
Patrick Holmes
Have multiple striking arts titles in karate, sanda and Muay-Thai:
GKR Karate British Champion
UKMF Northern Area Champion
Anglo-Scottish WKA Champion

Awarded Champion of his Mothers Heart in male category since his sister is her favorite.
He is also
Bsc (Hons) Psychology of Sport and Exercise

Patrick is one of those guys that are like real life comics heroes – he travels, he fights, he is natural, and always open.
His striking style mostly based on Muay-Thai is such, that I would never try to fight like him, or teach someone to, but in the same time I myself love training with him, because when we spar his way of fighting is always pushing me thinking outside the box.
He is one of most interesting people I know and this talk stretches from his personal martial arts story to some of the agenda we seen unfolding in front of our eyes in the recent years, while those stuff was recently referred just as conspiracy.
I feel he has a lot more to say about that, but I tried to keep the talk in a listenable limit, however I am already looking towards doing a second episode with him to continue this talk.
Follow Patrick at:
I hope you will enjoy this episode as much as I did.

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