After passing the weights and the draw, the fighter have to plan his competition considering his capabilities, his current shape, opponents’ capabilities and the order of the matches. With the GENERAL COMPETITION PLAN, each match has to be planned separately including minimal goal-task and maximum goal-task. In each MATCH GAME PLAN the fighter need to consider his own physical and mental condition and his ability to use technique. Based on this data is determined the pace of the fight, and distribution of efforts. During creation of the MATCH GAME PLAN all particularities of the opponent have to be considered. In the MATCH GAME PLAN have to be foreseen if the opponent prefers ground fighting or stand-up etc.

The competitor after official weights have to eat a bit, drink a cup of coffee (recommended without milk), or if he is not a coffee person I recommend tea with lemon or cup of warm soup. After this the athlete has to lie down and rest. Before the first match it is necessary to do a good warm up. For second and third match in the same day the warm up is done according athletes self-awareness.

When all matches for the day are finished, the athlete has to take a warm shower, and take a bit of rest. After dinner, if it is too early to sleep, it is recommended reading a book, magazine or newspaper (note: NO PHONEs), after that to do a small walk and go to sleep. It is important NOT TO THINK ABOUT THE COMPETITION BEFORE SLEEP. It is important for the athlete to ensure 8-9 hours of sleep.

Sample athletes schedule for a full day of competition:

– Weight in

– Breakfast

– Rest after breakfast

-morning matches


-rest after lunch

-evening matches




After finishing the last match from the morning competition session it is recommended having a warm shower and having a lunch. After lunch is good to lie down and rest (if possible to have 1-1.5 hour of sleep). After that the athlete has to do a short walk and to arrive at evening competition session. It is important the athlete to distribute his strength considering physical and technical abilities of his opponents. For example if in first match he has easier opponent and in the second one stronger, he has to try to finish the first one quick in order to preserve his strength for the final matches.

1. Chumakov E.M. “100 Lessons Of Sambo” 1971

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