02.12.2017 ISFA Bulgarian National Amateur MMA Tournament. Vratsa, Bulgaria

The boys from Fight Club Bully Team, Bulgaria, made an excellent performance at the 5th International Amateur MMA tournament of ISFA. The tournament was held at 02.12.2017 in Vratsa, Bulgaria.

Victor Stoyanov become vice champion in -66kg.

Victor Stoyanov (Bully Team) VS … – Guillotine Choke

Victor Stoyanov (Bully Team) VS – Decision 

Yoan Kochev won all his fights, winning first place and gold medal in -70kg.

Yoan Kochev (Bully Team) VS … – Armbar

Yoan Kochev (Bully Team) VS … – Triangle Choke

Yoan Kochev (Bully Team) VS … – KO

Miroslav Hadjhijski also won a gold medal, becoming champion in -77kg.

Miroslav Hadjhijski (Bully Team) VS … – Armbar

The boys coached by Vladimir Pavlov made outstanding performance at the tournament.

“I am glad from the performance of the boys, not only because of earned medals, but mostly because they show big progress from their last competition and now are shaped as well-rounded fighters” stated Vladimir Pavlov.

Bully Team champions record their achievements at Bully Team’s Wall of Fame.

For more pictures and comments, please visit our Facebook page.

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