23-24.11.2019 Sanda on Martial Arts Festival Sofia Bulgaria

On 23-24.11.2019 was held the 12th Martial Arts Festival Sofia Bulgaria. We went with team of debutantes competing in Sanda discipline:

Mario Ivanov fought with very experienced and advanced opponent and made a great fight, listening to the corner and applied the things he was working over with his coaches, making the team proud.

Grigor Naskov did a very skillfully correct performance fighting against fighter with years of experience, but applying correct game plan, he managed to get good takedowns and showed a great game.

Mario Stoyanov fought in two disciplines becoming medalist and vice-champion, showing tough game and good matches.

The coaching team is very proud with the performance of the boys all competing for first time but achieving great result. We are very glad to see our youngsters listening to the corner and despite competing for first time showing very complete and technical game.

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