17.10.2020 Lockdown 54 Brisbane Australia

  On 17.10.2020 was held Lockdown 54 Brisbane Australia. We competed with two athletes: David Benton Viktor Milanov Both under MEN 18+ / U84KG / NOVICE Division: Dave was long time off competing and battling injuries. He never stopped training with attention and dedication many younger ones can envy. He is back on his competition path performing with opponents half his age […]

Minimal Supplementation for Combat Sports

There are numerous supplements available on the market and every athlete my prefer one or another depending his personal needs, style of training and performance demands. The purpose of this article is to answer numerous question about supplementation I get from my students, and describes the bare minimum of supplements I consider basic  and use […]

The Fight Is All Podcast #32 Denis Kelly

Hi and thank you for tuning in to The Fight Is All Podcast. In this episode I talk with a friend of mine, coach and mixed martial artist based in Melbourne Australia: Coach Denis Kelly Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black Belt BJMA Progressive Krav Maga Black Belt Zen Do Kai Black Belt Judo Brown Belt, Registered […]