Gold Coast David Avellan Seminar Registration

80$ Preregistration Please register: Name Surname If you are serious about grappling and MMA game don’t miss this seminar, because there is no better level of instructor that David, supported by years of competing and coaching at elite level. Don’t miss that opportunity, since the registration is limited and the spots are flying fast! – […]

Bully Team Fight Calendar

  17.02.2020 Normal registrations 23.02.2020 The BJJ Australian Open Byron Bay 18.02.2020 Late registrations 23.02.2020 The BJJ Australian Open Byron Bay 19.02.2020 20.02.2020 21.02.2020 22.02.2020 Sofia Gi & No Gi Winter Open – 2020 23.02.2020 The BJJ Australian Open Byron Bay 24.02.2020 25.02.2020 Early bird registrations 15.03.2020 Grappling AGC Brisbane Open  26.02.2020 27.02.2020 28.02.2020 29.02.2020 GSI 7 Stop, Drop and […]

25.11.2017 Luta Livre/ Combat Sambo workshop

This was another one of the series of workshops we are doing with Tribal MMA Sunshine Coast: We started with Jay Odell‘s Luta Livre headlock game, went trough Combat Sambo combos to takedowns to leglocks, and securing leglocks to an escaping opponent, to finish with some Muai Thai with Patrick Holmes and rolls after. Thanks […]

19.11.2017 Grappling Industries Brisbane, Australia

At 19.11.2017 was held Grappling Industries in Brisbane. Grappling Industries events follow the traditional points structure without advantages. This was our first competition after opening the Bully Team Australia and we was represented by Ameer Mood. Ameer managed to finish all his opponents: Ethan Fenton (Integrated MMA) VS Ameer Mood (Bully Team) – darce choke […]

11.11.2017 Luta Livre cross-training with Tribal MMA

Last Saturday Open Mat, turned into a great exchange of skills and techniques thanks to out guests: Tribal MMA‘s fighters Jay Odell and Michael “Lion Heart” Tepou. Jay is a Luta Livre instructor and showed us some of his chain submissions and leglock Luta Livre techniques, after that we explored some double Sambo submissions and […]