19.02.2023 National Combat Sambo Championships Panagyurishte, Bulgaria

On 19.02.2023 was held National Combat Sambo Championships in Panagyurishte, Bulgaria. Our team participated with three athletes:
Marek Georgiev – medalist -71 kg
Stoyan Andonov – champion -64 kg
Georgi Georgiev – champion -100 kg

Men -71 kg
For Marek this was first championship in men division. Last year he became champion in Juniors division.
Marek Georgiev (Bully Team Combat Sambo) red VS …

Marek Georgiev (Bully Team Combat Sambo) blue VS

Marek is very talented athlete and we expect even better performance from him on the next competition.

Men -64 kg
For Stoyan this was first Combat Sambo competition
Stoyan Andonov (Bully Team Combat Sambo) red VS …

Men-100 kg
Georgi Georgiev (Bully Team Combat Sambo)
blue VS …

Georgi Georgiev (Bully Team Combat Sambo) blue VS …

Great recognition for the performance of our team, on our first competition since creation of our specialized Combat sambo class, came from the great Stoyan Saladinov. Stoyan Saladinov is the coach of first ever Combat Sambo national team of Bulgaria, and coach of our head coach Sevastiyan there.

With this the successes for our new group was not over: we received a call from the greatest Bulgarian Combat Sambo fighter and also president of Bulgarian Sambo Federation – Rosen Dimitrov, who invited our teammate and coach of the Combat Sambo group – Georgi Georgiev into the national team to represent Bulgaria at the European Championship in Tel Aviv, Israel 22-23.04.2023.

Special thanks to Rosen Dimitrov for his help for this competition. It was honor for us to contribute for the team victory of Combat Sambo Sofia team.

As always, at the end come the gratitude for the coaching crew on this competition:
Ivaylo Lumbev – coach of Bully Team Combat Sambo
Iliyana Ilieva-Kostova – medical person and cutgirl
Sevastiyan Kostov – head coach

Bully Team champions record their achievements at Bully Team’s Wall of Fame.

More pictures and videos at t.me/MMACoaching
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