12.10.2018 Bernardo Serrini BJJ & NoGi Grappling Seminar. Sofia, Bulgaria.

At 12.10.2018 was held Bernardo Serrini BJJ & NoGi Grappling Seminar in Sofia, organised by MatSide Bulgaria.

Professor Bernardo Serrini is MatSide head coach and founder, World Black Belt BJJ vice-champion, multiple BJJ and NoGi National and International champion.
We are proud to announce that Bully Team Bulgaria head coach – Vladimir Pavlov was promoted to BJJ blue belt by professor Serrini.

Named by Professor Bernard Serrini “probably the strongest white belt”, Vladimir is not new to the grappling arts at all:
– Multiple National Greco-Roman Wrestling champion

– Tournament Champion Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Real Pain 03.10.2009 Sofia
– Champion 88 kg NoGi, Awarded for best submission on the tournament 28.02.2010 Tournament Nibiru Rising Stars – Sofia

– Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Champion 25.09.2010 World Budokai Martial Arts Festival
– Absolute category winner 22.12.2012 BJJ Bulgaria Open Christmas Tournament, Cup of Checkmate. Sofia, Bulgaria.

– The first professional MMA fighter produced by Bully team
– Currently Head Coach of many champions in Bully Team Kyustendil

For more pictures and comments, please visit our Facebook page.


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