09-18.02.2023 IMMAF World Championships, Coaching Course & Brave International Combat Week Belgrade, Serbia

The event started with another great coaching course delivered by The Coach of The Coaches – Andrey Moshanov.

The course was part of the program supporting 09-18.02.2023 IMMAF World MMA Championship in Belgrade and Brave Combat Week. The focus of the course was developing of MMA athlete since youth. As always Andrey dropped tons of knowledge, research and sports science.

Thankful for the opportunity to update my understanding and looking forward to apply the lessons and ideas in my coaching work.

The sport is a great opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with great people like the coaches from Vienna Combat Academy Austria. Thanks for the company and all the conversations over our sport. Was great to meet and exchange ideas with bunch of great and knowledgeable coaches from around the world on the IMMAF MMA coaching course.

From globetrotter’s perspective I spent one night into an awesome hostel over the shores of Danube River:

Last but not least GO TEAM BULGARIA!
Best of skills of our athletes and coaches at 09-18.02.2023 IMMAF World Championships!

Serbian MMA Federation made a word class preparation and setup, it is going to be amazing week for MMA for the world and the Balkans in particular.

More pictures and videos at t.me/MMACoaching
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