05.02.2018 Gold Coast David Avellan Kimura Trap Seminar. Australia.

At 05.02.2018 at FC Bully Team we hosted the Gold Coast seminar from the Australian Kimura Trap Seminar Tour of David Avellan.

David showed us great details from the system. Was great experience to be able to learn the KTS from the source, and meeting a pure awesomeness of David Avellan. Thanks for the details and tips shared with us and we hope to see and learn from him again soon. Big thanks to everyone who participated!

Here is what he wrote about his experience with us in his blog:

“We got picked up by another long time follower of the Kimura Trap System, Sevastiyan Kostov of Fight Club Bully Team.

Sevastiyan was one of the first fighters to send me pictures and videos of himself using the Kimura Trap in competition, which made me realize how effective the system is when people across the globe are using it in pro fights. He is originally from Bulgaria, but recently moved to the Gold Coast in Australia. Me and Sevastiyan drove in the car together for close to 5 hours and talked about all sorts of things. Even though we live worlds apart, we had so many common traits, beliefs, and ideas that we might as well been neighbors. We had a smaller group for this seminar, which allowed me to focus on even more detail than I normally do, answer a lot of questions, and go over a lot of my philosophy of combat.”

To read about his complete experience in Australia CLICK HERE (you wouldn’t be disappointed 🙂 )

For more pictures and comments, please visit our Facebook page.

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