На 18.03. изпратихме нашият приятел, съотборник и брат Денис Кръстев
Основание: Дарение за разноски по дело относно Денис Кръстев Денис беше 22 годишен състезател здрав физически, без история на каквито и да е заболявания. 10.03. отново в Пирогов лекарите се разкрещяват защо го водим, щом сме идвали вчера. Отпратиха ни да му поставим шина и всичко ще е наред. Същата вечер върху прасеца се появи огромен син хематом. Около 21:00-бърза помощ. Не е откаран в болница, спешният екип уведомява, че състоянието е напълно нормално и няма от какво да се притесняват. 11.03. 02:00 през нощта се оплаква от ужасни болки. Хематомът на прасеца му е пукнат тече кръв. На сутринта в УМБАЛ Чирков е диагностициран с лимфедем, и оплаквания от болка и оток. При смяна на превръзка целият му крак е в хематоми. Личния лекар съветва: веднага в Пирогов, там вече са запознати. Отново превръзка, като обсъждат с насмешка работата на докторите от УМБАЛ Чирков. В Травматологията за наблюдение, кръвни изследвания и ЕКГ. Над 2 часа чакане да го приемат. Медицинска сестра, нагрубява семейството „този тук поне ще се наспи хубаво“. Около 00:00 най-накрая го приемат. 12.03. е назначен ЯМР. Семейството е на свиждане между 16:00 и 17:00. Кракът му е много по-зле. Целият в хематоми, които кървят. Никой не обяснява нищо. Слагат му лед, а Денис казва, че му слагат упойки. 13-14.03. Вечерта получава пристъп, интубиран е, съгласно епикризата смъртта му настъпва поради бъбречна недостатъчност, което е довело до полиорганна. Отказват бъбреците и белият му дроб. Помагаме на семейството за делото за разноските по делото: |
On 18.03. we say last farewell to our friend, teammate and brother Denis Krastev
Reason: Donation for expenses in a case concerning Denis Krastev Dennis was a 22-year-old physically fit athlete with no history of any illnesses. 07.03. he complains of pain in the right knee the night of 09.03. wakes up in pain, the swelling has expanded. At 05:30 in the morning, he was taken to Pirogov hospital for an X-ray – no fracture or tear was detected. Despite seeing a serious problem, no other tests were done, he is advised to put ice only. He went with pain, swelling, and limited range of motion of the right knee, the diagnose was that he had hit himself, although he had not been hit anywhere. The next day the knee swelled significantly 10.03. again in Pirogov, the doctors are shouting why we are taking him when we came yesterday. They sent us to put a splint on him and he’ll be fine. That evening a huge blue hematoma appeared on the calf. Around 21:00-ambulance. He was not taken to hospital, the emergency team advised that the condition was completely normal and there was nothing to worry about.
11.03. 02:00 in the night he complains of terrible pains. The hematoma on his calf is ruptured and bleeding. In the morning at Chirkov hospital was diagnosed with lymphedema, and complained of pain and swelling. When changing the bandage, his whole leg is covered in hematomas. The GP advises: immediately in Pirogov hospital, they already familiar with the case. Bandage again, derisively discussing the work of the doctors from hospital Chirkov. In Traumatology for monitoring, blood tests and Electrocardiogram. Over 2 hours waiting for them to accept him. Nurse, rude to the family “at least this one will get a good night’s sleep.” Around 00:00 they finally accepted him in the hospital. 12.03. an MRI was ordered. The family visit him between 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. His leg is much worse. Whole in hematomas that bleed. No one explains anything. They put ice on him and Dennis says they only put pain relievers on him. 13.03. his brother goes to see him: Dennis’ leg is bleeding profusely and everything around him is covered in blood. In the afternoon, his sister is also with him. The doctors are just getting him out of an MRI that was supposed to be done at lunch. Dennis can’t go to the toilet anymore. 13-14.03. In the evening he had a seizure, he was intubated, according to the epicrisis, his death occurred due to kidney failure, which led to multiple organ failure. His kidneys and lungs stopped. Denis is being treated in Pirogov because of the obvious symptoms of a rapidly developing kidney disease, which is life-threatening. There were no consultations with a specialist, no actions were taken by the treating doctors to stop the rapidly developing process of the life-threatening disease. The non-existent fracture of a lower limb was even exposed as the cause of his death.
He was not treated for infection the entire time. We are helping the family with the costs for the court case: |